Theme: adding a customized sidebar using a Mendix Form

I would like to add a custom form to the index.html. The custom form is showing some information about the logged in user and some shortcut's around the application. I changed the index.html and added a new location for the form which should be loaded. But now i'm missing the final step. The code below isn't working... what am i doing wrong? <div dojoType="dijit.layout.BorderContainer" region="center" design="sidebar" liveSplitters="true" class="MxClient_contentContainer" > <div dojoType="mxui.widget.ScreenBuffer" region="center" id="contentPort" class="MxClient_contentPane" ></div> <div dojoType="mxui.widget.ScreenBuffer" region="leading" id="cricsSideBar" class="MxClient_CricsSideBar" width="300px" contenturl = "ContractManagement/sidebar.mxf" > </div> </div>
2 answers

I think you may be able to achieve what you want using the Form Loader widget from the app store, but I haven't tried this yet so don't know how it's meant to be configured in your index.html page

Question: Does the form loader widget work with v2.5.7.1? In the app store is says 3.0, but there is no error or warning if you import it to a 2.5x project


I suggest to add the formloader instead, this probably won't work.

Just add '<div id="cricsSideBar" style="width:300px"></div>' to the index.html and set the sharednodeID property of the formloader to 'cricsSideBar'.
