Im trying to learn Mendix. While the screencasts are very helpful, they only cover the very basics. The only other learning resource is the reference guide which goes completely over my head. Surely it wouldn’t take someone at Mendix very long to make some more screencasts, maybe some simple applications from start to finish? The strength of Mendix is the speed of development, so presumably these screencasts would only need to take 10-20 mins? Even if they weren’t perfect they would be a lot better than nothing. Here are some suggested scenarios, but modelling isn’t my background so I don’t know how easy or difficult these would be: 1- Boat Hire. Create a booking system for hiring rowing boats. Boats can either be ready to be hired or unavailable due to repairs. A boat is also unavailable to be hired if it is already being hired by another user. When the user returns the boat, it is available for hire again. 2- Mortgage Repayment. A Mortgage is taken out by a user and is secured on a house. Monthly repayments are of a set amount, but vary depending on the type of mortgage. If a user fails to repay the mortgage one month at the correct rate, they are sent an email. If the user falls 2 months behind, the bank acquires the house. 3- Employee Ratings. A company needs a feedback system to rate its employees. Each employee much be rated by a customer, a co-worker, and their boss. These are added together to make a total score, that only the boss can view. If multiple customers or co-workers rate the employee, then the scores from each group are averaged. Thanks a lot James
James Chetwood
1 answers
Hi James,
Thank you for trying Mendix! Please note that we also have quite some how-to's available in addition to the reference guide. However, I agree with you that some additional screencasts can help a lot. Thanks for you detailed suggestions, we will improve the learning section as requested.