Always redirect to loginpage > not working in Chrome

Hi there, In my app I need anonymous access, because I want a forgot-password functionality, e-maillinkvalidation and that kind of stuff. However, I'd like to keep the mechanism that you always get the login presented when you access the root-url of the application (the forgot pwd is accessible using deeplinks). I tried to get this behavior working with the URL-Redirector widget: [1] I have styled login.html (and am planning to use it now) [2] my anonymous userrole (via alternative homepages per userrole) goes to a form where (with the URL-Redirector) the user is redirected to login.html [3] This way all users first see the login.html........except for the users using Chrome.For some strange reason, the redirect isn't executed, and i'm stuck on the anonymous (empty) page My question: Is there another (better) way to achieve what I want? A few remarks/questions: I noticed that Chrome does redirect, if I change the openform action of the microflow (that is set in alternative navigation for userrole anonymous). If I set it to "as popup", chrome DOES redirect... But that's ugly! Reason: you'll first see the popup and then get redirected... Is there a way to redirect this way and NOT need to create an object (the URL Redirector gives errors if not put in a dataview or templategrid). Actually I don't want to redirect... I just want the anonymous page accessible exclusively via deeplinks... Not defining it in my navigation gives read-access errors (cause Mx seems to assume the "default" navigation is then used for anonymous...) I'd like to hear your comments! EDIT: to work around for now, I have assigned the css-class "hidden" to the form opened in a popup, and this css hides it... (display:none;). But preferably I'd like to not redirect; I hope that there are options.
2 answers

Why don't you create a alternative homepage for the anonymous user rol which only contains the login widget?

thats a lot easier than redirecting deeplink etc.. and I assume chrome will handle that fine as well.

btw: why using since 3.0 is around and if you have to stick with 2.5.x, why not 2.5.7?


I can at least tell you that there is a bug in the URL Redirector which causes it not to work in Chrome. I'll put an update on the AppStore right now.
