Start up as Wndows service: integrated login problem

I want to start up Mendix as a Windows service. I created an application.conf with ao these lines: DatabaseHost = humber\sqlexpress DatabaseUserName = waterworld\edi DatabasePassword = DatabaseUseIntegratedSecurity = yes The service starts up without error but in the logfile is gives this error: 2009-09-07 16:31:35.601 INFO - CONNECTIONBUS: Name: KentekengegevensLeasemijdev; Type: JDBC data store; URL: jdbc:sqlserver://humber\sqlexpress;databaseName=KentekengegevensLeasemijdev; Driver: 2009-09-07 16:31:35.617 ERROR - CONNECTIONBUS: Opening JDBC connection failed with SQLState: S0001 Message: De aanmelding is mislukt voor gebruiker waterworld\edi. Retrying...(1/3) I tried with password and without password, and with DatabaseUseIntegratedSecurity = yes and No and starting the service as localsystem account and with the user waterworld\edi but no luck. What is the best practise in this situation? Thanks, Edward
2 answers

First try if your user: waterworld\edi is able to login onto the SQL server database and if the user is allowed to see view and edit your database.
If that user isn't allowed grant him those permissions otherwise it will never work

When you want to use integrated security the service should be started under the user account: waterworld\edi. Starting any application as under the local service account is never a good idea because this way you can't control which folders can be accessed by the application.

When you can login in sql server with your user and the services is started under that same user the XAS should be able to start


Hello Jasper,

The waterworld\edi-account is being used in the server settings and I use the account to start SQL Server Management Studio, so the account has enough rights.

I start the service with the waterworld\edi user. The service starts up normally. But the problem is still there:

integrated login in the server settings INFO - CONNECTIONBUS: Name: KentekengegevensLeasemijdev; Type: JDBC data store; URL: jdbc:sqlserver://humber\sqlexpress;databaseName=KentekengegevensLeasemijdev; Driver:

ERROR - CONNECTIONBUS: Opening JDBC connection failed with SQLState: S0001 Message: De aanmelding is mislukt voor gebruiker waterworld\edi. Retrying...(1/3)

Could the problem be this part of the application.conf:

DatabaseUserName = waterworld\edi

...when using ident authentication, just leave password empty
DatabasePassword = verysecretofcourse

..Only used for MS SQL Server
DatabaseUseIntegratedSecurity = yes
