I want to refresh a datagrid every 30 seconds, but the Microflow timer widget ( in combination with a refresh class java action) must be placed in a dataview or template grid. The datagrid is a standalone grid, so I cannot place it inside a dataview of a related object. Is there a workaround to refresh a datagrid?
Rene Luigjes
3 answers
Workaround: Just retrieve an arbitrary object in a templategrid (System.User with xpath [id = '[%currentuser%]'] for example) and place the timer inside.
Michel Weststrate
In 2.5.x.x there was a deprecated property "Refresh time". Don't know if it's still exists in 3.0.0.
I already filed a ticket to apply the microflow timer widget also to a datagrid.
Samet Kaya
If new or existing data is committed with 'Refresh in client' the datagrid is automatically updated. Is this not fitting your needs?