OQL count multiple columns possible ?

Is is possible to count multiple columns in entity ? In the example below three account records are present. What I am looking for is a graph that shows the counts of the records have a negative Networth and the accounts that have a loss. Is it possible to create a dataset with OQL for this and than use it in a Report Chart ? I know how to count a single column with OQL but I dont know how to do that for two columns as you may have to use the WHERE clause twice.
2 answers

Create an extra colum in your dataset which sums the 2 columns. Don't use the column in the grid, but just use it for the graph only.


You can achieve this by using the simple chart widget from the appstore as well. Y You can define a xpath query for each column (e.g. [Loss = true()]), and set the aggregate function to 'count'.
