Show username in title or in theming

I want to show the username in the title of the index.html. Is there some way to achieve this? And do we have a widget to show the username somewhere in the theming? I know there is the login button widget. But can we use this in our theming, so we can display this on all pages?
2 answers
  • You can make an html element in the theming with a classId="ShowMyUserName" (this value is just an example, take what you want).
  • Make a simple form that only shows the username. (FormShowUserName).
  • Place the FormLoader widget (AppStore) on your homeform.
  • Set the form to FormShowUserName.
  • Set the Shared Node Id to 'ShowMyUserName' and the form will be placed in the theming where you want.

Apply a css to the FormShowUser to remove the spacing if you want.


You should be able to edit your HTML and add a little division in which you place the currentuser-object (like a small widget).
