Disappearing references between objects

We've migrated an 2.4 application to and after the migration we're getting issues with disappearing references between objects. In this application we're getting xml from an esb and after importing these orders with orderlines, the user can only edit some attributes of the orderline. All the other attributes are readonly in the form. Since the migration we've discovered orderlines without a reference to an order. These orderlines are causing trouble in next proces, because these orderlines are sent to an esb. In the validation a orderline needs an order. So we've built a workaround to assign a order to an "empty" orderline. This is absolutely awful, because everyday there are 1 or 2 orderlines without an order. The full auatomatic process is now interrupted with manual operations. We don't know why this happens, because a orderline is never committed in a microflow and the reference between order and orderline is never changed. We can't reproduce this on our local development environment and also not on the acceptance environment. So we're stuck. Is there someone else who had the same issue, disappearing references between objects? Anyone with nice thoughts to find the cause of this issue?
2 answers

Samet, I had once the same problem. I found the cause by going over the database and log files manually. Try to find the time when the reference was changed. Changing the reference means also changing the refered objects so look at their changeddate. I then went into the log file to see who was logged in etc. In my case I then found object not found warnings which let me to the cause om my problem (deleting of objects that should not be deleted). Good luck with finding the cause. In my opinion it is never Mendix but always we the modeler that are the root of this behaviour ;)


Is changing the version of the framework the only thing you've done or was the application changed as well? I don't often see people upgrading versions when they're not changing anything. The framework doesn't throw away associations at random. Maybe some flow within a microflow can cause this? Could it be that this part of the flow is only triggered with data that is exclusively in your production environment?
