refreshing dataview

I have a form with a dataview (Entity Referral). In this dataview I have a custom microflow button that opens a blocking form with a dataview (Entity Attachment) in which I can upload (with a filemanager) a file (Referral_Attachment). When closing the blocking pop-up form, in the underlying form instead of the upload button I want to show the attachment name and a download button (filemanager). I am trying to achieve this by setting confditional visibilty on some of the forms table rows. However when saving and closing the pop-up form the dataview does not refresh. I've tried using the refreshClass java action from community commons to no avail. Does anyone have an idea on how to refresh dataviews in the underlying forms (if this should be done by java code, please provide an example. (I've read something about mx.processor.objectPing(), however i don't know how to use this in a java action)
1 answers

After your close form action call a microflow where you pass the object to it and the only action your perform on the object it to refresh it.
