3.0+ Layout bug: tab containers

In all of our 3.0 and 3.1.0 projects, we have been encountering the following bug, even with the default theme: When placing a tab container in certain situations, it will display like this: It doesn't always happen, but it seems to happen particularly when a tab container is placed inside another tab container, or inside a widget such as the DataViewList. What is especially annoying about this, is that as soon as you pop up Firebug to identify the problem, it disappears! What Firebug shows us though, is that the row in which the tab headers are loaded, is automatically assigned a ridiculous width of more than 50k px. It seems Mendix is having some trouble rendering tab containers since 3.0? Anything that can be done about this, especially short term by overriding certain CSS in my theme, for example?
3 answers

There was a bug in the DataViewList, which caused the tab containers to render like in the first screenshot. However, that should be fixed with the latest release, which can be found in the App store. When you encounter this bug in any other situation, I suggest filing a bug report.


Are you using a theme from 2.5.x? Because if i remember correctly they changed the tab container in 3.0 which requires you to remake your theming. Ill try to find a post that tells you how.


It seems to be a client bug, would you mind filling out a support ticket?
