Conditional visibility and performance

Is anyone familiar with the effects of conditional visibility on application performance? I'm currently working on an application that is using a lot of complex forms with conditional visibility. For the ease of developing the application and consistency, it is very useful to be able to point all users in various situations to the same forms and allow the conditional visibility settings to determine what they will and will not see. However, I am starting to wonder what the effect is on the application performance. For example, if I have two user roles, and both have one row in a table with a DataViewList widget in them, will both widgets 'load' technically, although only one is displayed? Or will only one load? What about not using roles, but attributes to set the visibility. Will non-displayed table rows be loaded then? I suppose if it isn't loaded if it isn't displayed, and if the application doesn't need much time to sort out the visibility, we're safe. Otherwise, perhaps it'd be better, performance wise, to create a few variants of the forms?
1 answers

In the example your assumption is right. Both widgets will load, after that the form start a check with your visibility rules. So if you have a form with a lot of visibility rules you should create a few forms (for each user or something like that) instead of working with a lot visibility rules.
