Datagrid template shows a list while a needing a single instance of the object

Hi All, I have a form consisting of a datagrid, and a datagrid template. Both grids are sourced with the same object. Once choosing a single instance in the datagrid, I would like to refresh the datagrid template showing some properties of the chosen object. Currently the datagrid and datagrid template show the same number of instances, regardless of the chosen instance in the datagrid. So I'm looking for a kind of "listener alike" (as in the dataview grid) approach within the datagrid template to constraint the template to show solely the chosen record.
3 answers

Hi Johan,

You can achieve the desired behavior by adding dataview that listens to the datagrid (using the ListenTo Property). Inside that dataview add your templategrid (with a proper constraint) with the iframe.

I'm not sure what your model is, but it wouldnt suprise me if you don't need the templategrid at all.


I don't think this currently exists, but why not just use a template grid? What purpose does the datagrid still serve?


If anyone can acknowledge Bas's answer I can close this thread
