Webservice call returns data but creates no documents

I'm calling an external webservice and receive no error(s). When tracing the webservice i see that the response is the same as when using SoapUI. The xml to domain mapping is a simple create of an object with 4 attributes (3 strings and 1 float), but no documents are being generated. No authentication is needed for the webservice call, the call is made using the modeller local. The security on the project is enabled and correct. The user calling the webservice is allowed to create/delete documents manually. When tracing the webservice call nothing seems wrong, when tracing the xml importer i see some Endelement messages? example: Endelement encountered for urn:/teidem/definitions/btwinfo_external.btwtabel.xsd:btwtabel|btw|landcode with content DE (localName: LandCode) i've exported the module and imported it in to 2.5.6 version with the same result. From the 2.5.6 version i've exported the module and imported it in to 3.0 version with also the same result?! Any ideas/solutions anyone? Response XML Response content for 'GetTabelData#GetBtwInfo': <soapenv:envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"><soapenv:body><q0:btwtabel xmlns:q0="urn:/Teidem/Definitions/BtwInfo_External.BtwTabel.xsd"><btw><landcode>DE</landcode><btwcode>2</btwcode><omschrijving>btw gefaktureerd hoog </omschrijving><percentage>19.0</percentage></btw><btw><landcode>NL</landcode><btwcode>1</btwcode><omschrijving>btw gefaktureerd laag </omschrijving><percentage>6.0</percentage></btw><btw><landcode>NL</landcode><btwcode>2</btwcode><omschrijving>btw gefaktureerd hoog </omschrijving><percentage>19.0</percentage></btw><btw><landcode>NL</landcode><btwcode>4</btwcode><omschrijving>btw voorbelast laag </omschrijving><percentage>6.0</percentage></btw><btw><landcode>NL</landcode><btwcode>5</btwcode><omschrijving>btw voorbelast hoog </omschrijving><percentage>19.0</percentage></btw><btw><landcode>NL</landcode><btwcode>6</btwcode><omschrijving>btw voorbelast autoknvergoedng</omschrijving><percentage>12.0</percentage></btw><btw><landcode>BE</landcode><btwcode>2</btwcode><omschrijving>Btw verkopen 21% </omschrijving><percentage>21.0</percentage></btw></q0:btwtabel></soapenv:body></soapenv:envelope> if necessary i can send you the public url for the webservice by email, just send me an email and u will respond.
3 answers

Can you try setting the loglevel for ConnectionBus to TRACE? Do the logs show any database queries? Another thing you can try is to set up one of the mappings to execute a Microflow, then log something there to see if it's fired.


You should try to turn on xml mapping validation (if you did not do that already). This option is turned off by default which could lead to the described problems when the message you receive does not validate. You can turn this on in the mapping at the propperty Validate against schema.

Another thing that helps is to use microflows in your mapping and put in a breakpoint in your microflow that way you can see if it is triggered or not.


Thanks for this option, but the logs only show an update statement for a log item which i'm updating after calling the webservice.

I've also tried to use a microflow to retrieve the imported object and added logging to the microflow. No result.

Seems like the webservice doens't use the xml domain mapping, the microflow isn't fired??

@Pieter : turned on validate against schema, but nothing changed. Still no error message and still no documents.

Any other ideas?
