CSS stylesheet changed from Modeler / microflow?

Is it possible to change the default css stylesheet of a user based on a runtime retrieved variable. I'd like to show the same forms to users of different vendors with vendor specific stylesheets. steps: users logs on, on logon page with generic stylesheet App retrieves (runtime) parameter with vendor-name of user App sets vendor specific stylesheet for the user. User uses app... with vendor specific logo/colors (defined in stylesheet)
3 answers

You can use different themes for different user-roles. The html element gets a class per user. I don't know if this is enough for your situation?

See screenshot (role-administrator)


This isn't possible. But you can build forms for different sets of users. Then you can set specific css class to a dataview. That way you can customize your css based on the css classes.


This could be expressed in a custom widget. You can consider file a feature request at support.mendix.com / your account manager
