New version of Mendix Windows Service (2.1) available for Mendix 3.*

A new version of the Mendix Windows Service (2.1) is available in the Support Portal for Mendix 3.*. You can download it by clicking on 'Windows service' in the row of a Mendix 3.* release. Key features: Your project and Mendix server can be updated via the Console. Service can be started/stopped via the Console. Your project will be run as test under the same user account as the service. New (or emptied) application constants will get their default values as set in the Modeler. Now a user account has to be given before you can run the project, even if you do not run it as a service. It is not possible to use a system account (like Local System) anymore. Please re-install your service if you change the user account. Please be aware that the location of the mxclientsystem changes if you add a Mendix server version via the Console. When you use a separate web server like IIS, you have to create a virtual folder or symbolic link to this location. Before version 2.1, the location was Mendix\runtime\mxclientsystem. Since 2.1, the path of the location will contain the version number of the Mendix distribution. When you run your project using Mendix 3.0.0, the path will be: Mendix\3.0.0\runtime\mxclientsystem. However, when you upgrade only the Mendix Windows Service to 2.1, you can use the old settings, no change is needed to run the service as usual. Only system accounts do not work anymore, so you have to set up a normal user account. Changelog: Ticket 9470: Sometimes the maximum Java heap size configuration and other numeric settings were not saved. Now you see a UAC popup when you start the Mendix Service Console, because the UAC administrator level will be required, to prevent an UAC request on (un)installing the service and to making it possible to start/stop services in the Console. Removed the Informix database type because it is not supported by Mendix anymore. Removed Stop button. Now Start button will be changed to Stop after starting the project. Now the Windows service can be started and stopped in the Console by the new Start Service/Stop Service button. Introduced new Management panel, above Common Configuration. Moved Service panel content to Management panel. Moved Project path and Mendix path from Common Configuration panel to Management panel. Added setting for Backup path. Added possibility to use a Mendix Deployment Archive (MDA file) to update the project. The old project files are backed up to a zip file in the Backup folder. Added possibility to use a Mendix Server distribution (tar.gz file) to add a Mendix server version. More versions can be installed side-by-side. Mendix chooses the right version to start the project. The existing Mendix server version from pre-2.1 Mendix Windows Service applications will be kept when using this 2.1 version, but when you installs a new Mendix server version, that version will be used if suitable for the project. Now the application is always started under the specific service user account to simulate the same user environment as when it is started as service. A service user account must be given before a project can be run. Added possibility to select a service user account via a Active Directory picker. Now a service user can be specified without a domain name/computer name. In that case it's a local user. Removed setting for user account type. A common user account must always be given. Removed possibility for system accounts like Local System. Now new application constants will have their default values as set in the Modeler. Now application constants show their descriptions in a tooltip. Added settings 'Uploaded files path' and 'Temporary files path' to the Common Configuration panel. Now the system log file m2ee_log.txt is closed immediately when the process cannot start. Connecting to an already running server will be done asynchronously while starting the Service Console, so the form will be shown more quickly. Now all configurated paths will be validated when the server or the service starts. Windows service exceptions will now be shown in the Service Console (so you don't have to go to Administrative Tools -> Event Viewer anymore). Default folder of project path changed to 'Project' (was 'Application'). Default folders will be created if they do not exist when they are needed. Now correct x86 or x64 libraries will be loaded from the Mendix library path, dependent on the Java Virtual Machine. At this moment needed for the SQL Server authentication library. Improved exception handling. Changed text for PostgreSQL database type option from 'PostgreSQL 8.2 and later' to 'PostgreSQL 8.3 and later'. Small user interface changes.
1 answers

Where / how can I download the installed Mendix version from the releases page.

Added possibility to use a Mendix Server distribution (tar.gz file) to add a Mendix server version. More versions can be installed side-by-side. Mendix chooses the right version to start the project. The existing Mendix server version from pre-2.1 Mendix Windows Service applications will be kept when using this 2.1 version, but when you installs a new Mendix server version, that version will be used if suitable for the project.
