New hardware/OS - problems starting project in Modeler

I have a new development laptop - Windows 7 professional 64bit and am trying to move my development work to it. My existing project opens correctly in the Modeler, but when I try to run the application I get an error Request action: start Message: An error occurred while reading the Application Model Cause: An error occurred while storing column data for all existing tables in the SQLite database Stack trace: com.mendix.m2ee.api.AdminException: An error occurred while reading the Application Model at com.mendix.core.MxRuntime.C(SourceFile:372) Caused by: hg: An error occurred while storing column data for all existing tables in the SQLite database at fg.a(SourceFile:126) Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: unable to open database file at org.sqlite.DB.execute( at org.sqlite.PrepStmt.executeQuery( at fg.a(SourceFile:117) at fg.<init>(SourceFile:58) at lB.a(SourceFile:42) at di.a(SourceFile:134) at com.mendix.core.MxRuntime.C(SourceFile:360) at com.mendix.core.MxRuntime.a(SourceFile:198) at lK.execute(SourceFile:54) at com.mendix.m2ee.server.handler.AdminHandler.handle( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerWrapper.handle( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server.handle( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpConnection.handleRequest( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpConnection$RequestHandler.headerComplete( at org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpParser.parseNext( at org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpParser.parseAvailable( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpConnection.handle( at at org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool$ at If I open the error in the Console I get the extra info: An error occurred while executing action 'null'. com.mendix.m2ee.api.AdminException: An error occurred while reading the Application Model ... This is Modeler version 2.5.8 using the built-in database. The laptop has .NET Framework NGEN v4.0.30319_X64 and X86 installed (Delayed startup). JDK 1.6.0_30. I can create a new project and run it successfully. Things I have tried with the existing project: Deleting the existing built-in database and trying to recreate from scratch Changing the settings to use a MSSQL2005 database I get the same error. So the model is read and displays correctly in the modeler, but as soon as I try to run it it claims it cannot read the model. Does anyone have any idea what might cause this for an existing project?
1 answers

This is a Windows folder/file access issue. Run your modeler as Administrator and it will most likely work. The easiest way to fix this is by checking out the project in a clean folder. Or you could try to set your user access correctly on your project folder and files in it but it's not a very straightforward interface in Windows.

The database in question here is actually not your application database but the project (mpr) file which is also a database (sqlite).
