Log out issue

We are facing the problem that external users of our webportal are logged out of the portal several times a day. There are employees of a large company, so the domain or security might be the problem. Does anyone has a solution, or an suggestion where to begin to trace the problem? Thanks
3 answers

Couple of questions:

  • Do the users use multiple browsers, or is the same username shared by multiple people? If you log into the site from two browsers, or from different computers, the original user will be logged off.
  • When exactly are they logged out? While they're doing something or during prolonged periods of inactivity?
  • Have you checked the logs? If they don't reveal anything, set the lognodes CORE and EXTERNALINTERFACE to "TRACE", that should give you some more info. Remember to set them to INFO afterwards or you'll bog up the logs ;)

I guess it's a license problem (maximum concurrent users is to small). In the MxAdmin menu (item 'Statistics' and tab 'Usage information' / 'Server statistics') you can check out some statistics about the concurrent users. Compare the statistics with your license.

Good luck!


I guess it's a license problem (maximum concurrent users is to small). In the MxAdmin menu (item 'Statistics' and tab 'Usage information') you can check out some statistics about the concurrent users. Compare the statistics with your license.

Good luck!
