Blank windows after login

We have a new environment and uploaded our model en did a restoredb of anonther environment. When we use this under Chrome and Firefox it works fine. Under Internet Explorer (8) we just get a blank screen (with de logo's on top). De index.html isn't changed, the theme also isn't changed. We also tried to logon via index-dark.html en tried the other theme's but the problems still exists. p.s. i have upload a lot of dossieritems to the file directory (/srv/mxinstances/..../data/files)
2 answers

The only way to find out why your page is blank is by using the IE developer toolbar. Hit F12 and you can see which css is used to style your page. That way you could identify your problem.

Did you just migrated your app to a new environment and did it work before in IE on the other environment.


There was something wrong with installation of the new server, problem is solved bij Mendix.
