Draw lines on a geographical image/map

Hi everybody, I'd like your advice on the following: For a (potential) new Mendix-Project, I need the ability to draw "lines" on a geographical image. In HTML-terminology, such behavior can be achieved by using the <map> and <area> tag. I'd like to explain what I want to achieve, with an example Lets say that I have an image of our country: "the Netherlands" In that image I want to be able to draw lines (between serveral points, cities, villages etc..) It is necesary that you can doubleclick on a drawn line (and that a microflow can be executed as a result, to open a new form, popup or perform arbitrary other actions) Perhaps (instead of the image... a googlemaps integration could be used...?) My question is [1] How I can achieve such a thing in Mendix. [2] Who knows what (existing) libraries can be used for this I'd like to hear your comments! Thanks already!
2 answers

I have changed the Google Maps widget so markers are created when clicked on the map, including an onClick handler. The Google Maps API is extensive and well documented so it can be done. (Add a polyline with addOverlay) See google api doc


We developed an extension on the google maps widget that allows for arbitrary kml data (see google api for kml info) to be drawn on a map based on selections in the mx app. We used it to draw clickable areas.
