Maximum run time exceeded, framework is now terminating

In the 2.5 days this could be avoided by placing the file in the deployment/data directory so microflows that take hours to finish could be tested. This seems no longer be the case in 3.1.1. The modeller still exists even though the key file is there. Where should the key file be placed to avoid the framework terminating? [EDIT] I know the licensing mechanisme has changed but the documentation does not give an answer on the above situation. The 2.5 model will not quit because I have the placed the key file on the right place, but 3.1.1 just quit. I am in the transition from 2.5 to 3.1.1 and would like to test the long microflows locally on my machine. And for the record, I am on a custom cloud. I did the proces of requesting a license key change, but I was told that the custom cloud already could handle the 3.1.1 files. I now just want to check everything before I deploy to the test environment, but can not because the model quits. [EDIT 2] I now did deploy the model, but I still do not get the License information under Beheer like it is shown in the documentation. How do I get my license key? Regards, Ronald
1 answers

see the documentation, the licensing mechanism has changed a little.

Although our (custom) cloud fully supports 3.x builds as far as the model is concerned, the old mechanism with files no longer works. You need to follow the instructions on the documentation page; log in to the application, go to the Administration menu and click on "License information". You can use that to request a license key in the support portal, which you will then have to fill in in your app in the same screen.
