History of microflows are empty

When I click on the history of a microflow a screen opens, but their is no data in it. Why is this history screen empty? I know I have made changes and the modeller reflect this with the yellow button or the green plus, but viewing the history the data is empty. I am quite new with the team server so maybe I am doing something wrong. Or is this a bug? (This was the reason why I pressed the Show 25 more button which results in an error. I already filled bug report for that :), see other post on subject. )
2 answers

(Posted comment as answer since it solves the original issue)

If you want to see your local history, that is the things you have changed since the last commit, you can use the 'changes' tab at the bottom of the modeler, instead of the history dialog. If you have no such tab and you are working in a Team server project, use View > Changes


I'm fairly sure this is the teamserver history and not local history. Have you tried committing something and seeing if it shows?
