Can we expose Mendix Microflows as java objects or EJBs like I can expose them as Web Services?

Can we expose Mendix Microflows as Java objects or EJB's like I can expose them as Web Services?
2 answers

No this isn't possible, the prefered way of integrating with Mendix is through webservices. To call a microflow you'd need to be logged in as a certain user and many things are dependant on that, such as security constraints and the user's timezone in date calculations. When calling microflows from a webservice this is handled by the webservice user.

There is of course a Mendix API through which you can call microflows, log in users through code and do all kinds of other things. For this API see


No, Java is available in the back-end but Mendix is hiding all java stuff at the front-end. That is one of the original reasons to start Mendix.
