Licenses and applications

We plan to user the modeller for several, very small databases, typically with up to 5 users per database. Often we will be replacing standalone Access databases. We will be running the applications on our own server. What is the best/cheapest way to deploy these small applications? The kinds of questions we need answered are: Will each application we develop need its own licence key? Or can we aggregate the users of a number of applications together under one license key? If we have to pay £500, for example, per month per application then it would be too expensive for us to use the modeller. If, on the other hand, we can pay £500 per month for 10 concurrent users spread across 5 applications that would be much more affordable. Does how we set up the modeller on our server impact the cost? Many thanks for any advice anyone can give. David
2 answers

Good that you are thinking of using Mendix...please contact John Milway our UK Country Manager on 07850 756633 with any pricing queries, I'm sure he will be able to help you.


You could always contact your sales representative and see if you can work something out?
