Within my current solution the excel importer does not show selectable objects. First I installed the reflection module and added the desired microflow to the after startup setting, to certify update of the reflection module. Next to this my project deployment runs on SQL Server, as the documentation mentions, reflection does not work on the internal database. So this way of work should guarantee succesfull reflection. After the reflection module I installed the excel importer, and added an excel importer form to the Navigation menu. After deployment the picklist for objects remains empty. Different from a previous solution I built with a succesfull excel importer, this solution has no administration module. Might that be the cause?
johan koopmans
2 answers
Have you tried adding the model reflection MxObjects_Overview to the navigation in order to check if the model reflection objects are available?
Stephan Numan
Problem was caused by the reflection model which which did not compile well as my homegrown java action bugged, and I pressed proceed, not knowing proceeding after a bugged java action means the rest of the code not compiling