Errors on syncing objects in reflection module

The following errors occur when pressing the sync button on the MxObjects_SyncOverview form. Action with name 'MxModelReflection.SyncObjects' not found. another one following the first one Action with name 'CommunityCommons.releaseAllInactiveLocks' not found. well it might be, because I added a java action, and later on excluded this from the project, this is now causing an error and might cause other actions not to be parsed even though when i press proceed. I'm not known with the engine behavior when one action throws an error whether the other parts will be parsed I have communitycommons installed and already used it several times within the solution.
2 answers

Can you redownload the module from the appstore? Probably you lost your java source files along the way.


Hi All, beneath is the correct answer as tested out and fixed my homegrown java action:

  • if you face errors on java actions while deploying, fix these errors. when you press proceed, other correct jave actions will not be compiled leading to unexpected behavior.