Does Fusion Charts widget work with 3.2.1?

When I upgrade an existing application to Mendix v3.2.1, existing (working) Fusion charts cannot be rendered and I get the error: 404 - file not found for file: mxclientsystem/mxclientsystem/dojo///////widgets/FusionChartsWidget/templates/FusionChartsWidget/html/[object Object] Checking in the App store, it says "this version of the app was created in version 2.x. Please search for an equivalent 3.x version or contact the creator of this app". So are there any plans to update this widget to work with Mendix version 3.x ? One of the final comments in this question says "Lukas changed something in the javascript and made it work... clever lad". What was the change?
1 answers

New version of the Fusion Charts widget released today(?) solves all these issues. Thank you Michel
