IE issue: does not react because of long-running script

This seems to be an IE issue. When endusers login some experience strange behavior in IE. The message "<site> does not react because of long-running script" is the most specific that we have heard off until now. What can cause this error? How can I find out which script? Could it be caused by theming? Update: I can now reproduce hanging within IE (9.0.8 64bits) on our own site. Works fine in firefox and chrome. I'd very much like to hear how I can best debug this. Update2: Starting fresh from the workshop stylesheet seems to have done the trick. I guess the old one somehow was not clean.
2 answers

Open the developer tools (F12), start the script debugger and wait until an (uncatched) exception occurs, and keep an eye on the script console for errors.

Or: remove custom javascript includes and custom widgets until the project works properly again.

Test it under the 32 bit version of IE9 as well, I don't know if it is still the case, but on launch IE 9 64 bit still ran on the old javascript engine which was a lot slower / buggier that the 32 bit version.


Adding to Michel's answer, I suggest making sure all your widgets are up to date.

Are there any widgets used on the first page they see? Try removing these to test it if one of those is causing it.
