how to improve speed of deployment

Our Mendix project model is of considerable size. Deploying the model takes up to 3 minutes. We use client PC based Mendix models and connect to a SQL Server database on a database server (not on client PC). What are the key factors that influence the speed of the deployment? E.g. I noticed that the deployment process consumes quite a bit of memory on the client PC, would it help to increase this? Are other options available?
2 answers

You can improve the speed of deployment by a) upgrading to version 3 b) disabling virus scanners c) buying an SSD


In addition to Arjan: d) Add some internal memory to the client PC. e) Reduce the number of events/startup microflows. f) Keep your model as clean as possible. g) Keep an eye on size of the client PC dev deployment folder (in our case it is not cleaned automatically), if it gets a large volume, clean it.

BTW: disabling virus killer hardly made any difference in our case. also changing JVM settings did not create a major improvement.
