Simple Chart changing display

The following problem(s) occur when we try to use the Simple Chart widget. 1. overlapping of names (bar) on the x axis when there are more items 2. overlapping of names when using Pie chart. We like to use css to style the widget, but the question is: is this even possible? < div style="position: absolute; text-align: center; left: -210px; top: 247px; width: 490px;" class="tickLabel">TEXT< /div> This is the html code of a class we like to change, added the transform option of css to make the text more skewed. The div class is called div.tickLabel when you seek it in firebug. Where can this be adjusted? Maybe we dig to deep and can such a thing be done more easily, so please react. Thanks in advance!
1 answers

You can move your css classes used in your widget.css to your custom.css. Mendix is using stylesheets in a predefined order in order to guarantee a pre styled application. You can override all the css class & selectors in your own custom stylesheet.
