Simple Chart adjustment for bar and pie graphs (two problems)

Maybe this is a noob question but we are trying to change several things in the simple chart widget, to get some bugs fixed for our uses. One problem we got fixed with the help of the community, therefore thank you all! We still have two other problems with the simple chart which we like to get fixed, otherwise we can't bring it to the customer side. The two problems are: Simple Chart bar graph with one bar gives the following result: As you can see in the picture, the bar is much to width. Can this easily be adjusted, it seems like a bug? The pie graph: I searched for the pie graph (simple chart) on the web and found that there are several forms of it. As can be found here: flot pie examples. Is this option also available on the mendix widget SimpleChart or do I need to create such a thing myself? I can't find the options anywhere to adjust it in such a manner that option number 2 (default without legend) is created. Now we have graph2 as default (it seems) and when there are a lot of variables, they do overlap. Thank you all in advance for your reactions.
3 answers

See, the documentation, you can pass additional options to the charts by using the extra options properties. The options you define there are added to the charts.


Some example options taken from here

series: {
    lines, points, bars: {
      show: boolean
      lineWidth: number
      fill: boolean or number
      fillColor: null or color/gradient

    points: {
      radius: number
      symbol: "circle" or function

    bars: {
      barWidth: number
      align: "left" or "center"
      horizontal: boolean

    lines: {
      steps: boolean

    shadowSize: number

Thank you both for your reactions, it helped me a lot with the adjustments for the bar graphs. Nevertheless, the pie graph does not respond. Is there a way to change the look of the pie graph in a simple manner, like given in the link earlier considering the examples of the pie graphs?

We like to adjust the look, because the legends do overlap each other, which is very disturbing.

Thanks again!
