Descending sort on date column in datagrid puts rows with empty date fields on top...

...and that is exactly the opposite of what I want. What I'd like to see is have the records with a date shown first, at the top of the datagrid, sorted in descending order, followed by the records that don't have the date filled. Is there a way to have the datagrid sorted as I described here? [Updated] Did some research on this subject. Apparently this sorting behavior is the default behavior in practically every database. Oracle and Postgres have a very easy way to extend the ORDER BY clause to sort NULL values last. In Microsoft SQL Server you need a little hack to get it working. Some links for your reading pleasure: Oracle Control null data in Oracle using the ORDER BY clause - Postgres PostgreSQL Documentation - Sorting Rows - Microsoft SQL Server Sort Values Ascending But NULLS Last - Final thoughts: I think it would be very nice if there was a setting available in the Sort Attributes dialog to set the sort order for NULL values. The current workaround would be to avoid NULL values in the sorted column by setting default values. Sometimes this is not what I want because these default values can be confusing to users and do not make any sense.
2 answers

I suggest filing a feature request for this, though I'm not sure if it's a good idea to add yet another configuration setting to grids. But if there are enough people asking for this it could be implemented.


I'm using Mx 5.16.1 and cannot find the mentioned functionality. Is it already possible to show empty values below when sorting descending?
