DataViewList widget

I am developing an application in which I need to be able to display & update multiple objects at the same time - i.e. like an updateable data grid. I've come across the DataViewList widget in another application, but this is obviously not part of core Mendix. Can anyone explain whether I can use this & if it would meet my needs & if so how do I set it up / configure / use it? I'm using Mendix Thanks.
3 answers

The DataViewList widget is a custom widget which is available as separate add-on for our platform. It is possible to use this widget, but if you can build the functionality you want with standard features this is recommended. If you really need to use this widget please contact our services department.

In the upcoming 2.5 release we have native support for custom widgets. You can download them directly into our Business Modeler and configure them right there. They will be deployed along with the core platform.


I have now discovered another way to do this. If the 'Editable' Behavior on a datagrid column's Properties is set to 'True' then the attribute can be updated directly on the datagrid without having to open a separate dataview form, and hence can be updated simultaneously for all objects displayed on the datagrid.


How do I contact your services department - I can't see anything on the web site? Thanks.
