Add Days function: Business vs Calendar

I'm looking to add functionality that allows a user to enter a date in the future up to a certain number of days. The add days statement would normally work great to determine this, however they want to be able to decide whether or not to add a number of business days instead. Is there a function that will ignore weekend days? Any suggestions on how to achieve this?
2 answers

No there is expression in Mendix which could add bussiness days. So you have to build your own logic to skip weekend days. You could create easily a microflow which automatically skips weekend days.

You can do that by checking your date with formatDateTime($object/Date1,"EEE"). If it's 'Sun' or 'Sat' you need to add another day till it isn't a weekend day.


Hi Marc, please have a look at the non working day calculator in the Mendix AppStore. That will probably help you.
