XML to domain mapping problem

Either it is not my day and I am overlooking something very obvious but I have a very strange problem. I am trying to import some XML files. I have created an entity where all the data of the XML files should be stored. After some debugging of the microflows that are called by the XML to domain mapping I noticed that no data was imported. The form with the overview of the entity stayed at 0 records. I found this strange because I just debugged the microflows, so the import did happen. I triggered the import again and got an error that the record already existed, but going to the form it still showed 0 records. That made me look in de postgres database. This is the weird part, because the postgres database contained the imported xml files. But the form in Mendix is still showing that entity with 0 records. I am really at loss here and most be overlooking something because I have never seen this behavior. I even made a new entity from scratch with new forms and still the same result 0 records imported but new records in the postgres database. I am using Mendix 3.2.1 with postgres 8.4 Before I make a bug report is there something I may be overlooking? Here are the screen shots as a sanity check:
2 answers

I blame the 1:1 association. Have seen strange behavior with that thing


This is a bug. See also post unterminated string literal error Ticket number 12052
