Webservice users cant login anymore

In this case we have some users, and some of them may use web services and others not. So the idea was to turn on the "WebserviceUser" boolean for each user that may call the web services (from an IPhone app). The problem is that the users can't login any more when they are WebserviceUser. What is the reason for that? I solved it by creating one public web service user and by adding a username and password to each web service function. But that means I can't use things as $currentUser. Is that the right solution or are there other ways around this framework behaviour?
2 answers

You can solve this issue by providing a general webservice, with credentials as parameters of the webservice itself, and then use the executeMicroflowAsUser from the community commons library (after you have checked the credentials ;-)). CurrentUser will be available in that microflow.


I recommend filing a feature request to have this changed, I can't see an immediate reason why webservice users shouldn't be able to log in normally too. There used to be differences in how they were handled in terms of licensing, and in the past you weren't able to login multiple times with the same users, but this is no longer relevant as you can allow logging in multiple users now and webservice sessions are treated normally. Maybe I'm overlooking something that is preventing this from being possible to change, but you can always try.
