MENDIX Event logging

Based on the outcome of my previous question, how should I implement logging within MENDIX? I basically need to be able to see what a user has done. We've got multiple third party systems that interface, via web services, with our MENDIX product. And if they query something, I need to be able to go into the logs and see what they sent to our application and what we sent back. Or if the users phone me and say that the system did something weird on a certain day, I need to be able to go to the logs of that day to see what happened during that time. The file logs from MENDIX is extremely useful, but if they cause performance issues, I need to implement something else fairly urgently.
2 answers

I'd say as long as you don't notice any performance issues, keep them on. But logging TRACE or DEBUG output is, like the name suggests, useful for really diving into a problem when you're debugging something. They're not usually used for every day logging, these messages would be printed on loglevels INFO or higher (WARN, ERROR, CRITICAL)


Audit trail ??
