ESB and Mendix

Dear all, I have read the following article on this forum: it suggest that mendix can be used as an ESB. However i remember that an ESB was on the Dont's of a Mendix presentation. I hope to find an answer in experiance of mendix users c.q. developers. Does anybody have experiance in developing ESB solutions whith Mendix? And in implementation of this solution what are the difficulties, if any, that were experianced. Any input will be mutch appreciated.
3 answers

One of the main problems would be that an esb deals with messages that are non persistent most of time while data in mendix is persitent as it needs to be stored in the database. While this does not have to be a problem on its own it does impose some challenges. Then again Mendix has made the Integrator which functions as an ESB. If you are more interested to learn more about ESB in combination with mendix i invite you to have a look at We created our own integration platform which neatly integrates with mendix and mendix projects.


In the upcoming 4.0 release we actually do have nonpersistent objects though :) – Bas van den Broek (2012-04-11)

nice, this will be a great improvement for mappings! – Pieter van de Braak (2012-04-11)

do you also plan to create mapping tools on the front end so that mapping can be more dynamic?


Reson for my question is that i want to configure my data mapping on the front-end. This so that i don't have to redeploy to map a new service. – R Somers (2012-04-18)
