Tab pages listening to a GridView

Hi Guys, I'm a bit in the dark on this... I've got a gridview with a list of items... On selecting it, it populates 2 tab pages... or that's what it's supposed to do. The first (default) page gets populated properly, but the second one stays empty. For that to populate I have to select another row in the gridview first. (or deselect and reselect the orginal one). I've played with the 'refresh on show' property but that doesn't chane anything. Am I missing something here ?... or is populating the 2nd tab page nog possible ? ....
2 answers

It sounds like you have 2 dataviews, one in each tab. Can you try it with using 1 dataview that listens to the grid and settings the tabs in there?


You, Sir, are my hero ... :).... thnx that was the solution.
