Problem Commiting ...

After starting to add a custom theme to my project.. I can not commit anymore. The workbench throws a subversion exception : How can I fix this, as the modeler doesn't have many options other than update and commit ? SharpSvn.SvnRepositoryIOException: Commit failed (details follow): ---> SharpSvn.SvnRepositoryIOException: Server sent unexpected return value (405 Method Not Allowed) in response to MKCOL request for '/24123d91-83fe-4124-b009-32084023238d/!svn/wrk/15f88ba4-d0c3-c643-a717-685943a53b3b/trunk/theme' --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at SharpSvn.SvnClientArgs.HandleResult(SvnClientContext client, SvnException error, Object targets) in f:\qqn\sharpsvn-dist-1.6\src\sharpsvn\svnclientargs.cpp:line 78 at SharpSvn.SvnClientArgs.HandleResult(SvnClientContext client, svn_error_t* error, Object targets) in f:\qqn\sharpsvn-dist-1.6\src\sharpsvn\svnclientargs.cpp:line 42 at SharpSvn.SvnClient.Commit(ICollection`1 paths, SvnCommitArgs args, SvnCommitResult& result) in f:\qqn\sharpsvn-dist-1.6\src\sharpsvn\commands\commit.cpp:line 134 at SharpSvn.SvnClient.Commit(String path, SvnCommitArgs args, SvnCommitResult& result) in f:\qqn\sharpsvn-dist-1.6\src\sharpsvn\commands\commit.cpp:line 84 at Mendix.Modeler.VersionControl.RevCommitter.<>c__DisplayClass34.<CommitToRepository>b__30(SvnClient c) in c:\cygwin\home\autobuild\build\Mendix-3\modeler\Modeler\VersionControl\RevCommitter.cs:line 351 at Mendix.Modeler.VersionControl.SvnUtil.ClientDo[T](Func`2 action) in c:\cygwin\home\autobuild\build\Mendix-3\modeler\Modeler\VersionControl\SvnUtil.cs:line 90 at Mendix.Modeler.VersionControl.RevCommitter.CommitToRepository(String projectFilePath, String message, RevisionMetadata metadata, ProgressInfo info) in c:\cygwin\home\autobuild\build\Mendix-3\modeler\Modeler\VersionControl\RevCommitter.cs:line 351
2 answers

Subversion gives this error if you try to add a directory that is already in the repository. Apparently, one of the new directories in the 'theme' directory already made it to the repository.

You could try to delete the 'theme' directory (create a backup first!) and then update. This should restore the theme directory with the contents that are currently in the repository. Then, you can add the custom theme files again and commit.


Thank you for the reply Benny,

Your suggestion didn't work ... so I ended up moving my project folder to a backup and getting the whole project again from the Teamserver.

After that I replaced the project file (file.mpr) and commited the changes.

Now I'm wondering what the right procedure is to add a custom theme to my project. I've got a '' file I created in a (local) seperate project. Do I just throw that zip file in the theme directory and commit after that ?.... or is there a different procedure ?


