Deployment to the cloud

Hi, I want to make deployment on cloud (I'm using Modeler version: 3.2.1). When i tried to make deploy to the cloud portal it showed me this message: 'It appears that your project does not have an environment in the cloud.' So i opened the Mendix cloud Portal but it showed me this message : 'We're sorry, but you don't seem to have any apps in the Cloud Portal. Please contact your sales representative or ask a colleague to add you to his or her project.' the problem that i am the admin of this project!!! What do i need to make deployment on the cloud? do i need privilege to add application to the cloud? Plz anyone can help???!!! Plz contact me for any inquiry. Best regards, Omar Alkhaleel
1 answers

When you say you are the admin of this project, do you mean you are the one that created it in Sprintr? This doesn't necessarily give you a cloud slot. I suggest contacting your sales representative for information.
