Changing member System.changedBy ERROR!

I am getting a System.ChangedBy error. I have looked through security and every entity and object has read and write access. Will it be database related. "Changing member System.changedBy of the object type Main.Lead failed for security reasons. Thanks
4 answers

I found my problem and my solution: I have data stewards that are "owner" of data, and on some forms, i wrongly created a link that connects with the system.owner/full name attribute instead of linking over my data steward owner.

Showing the system fields createdBy or owner as attributes on a form causes this kind of problems when creating and/or saving records.

(For more info: see ).


Which context are you using? Does the specific context that you are using belong to a user that has read/write access?


This also occurs every now and then when I have preliminary security config like admins = full access to everything, user = limited access for all users. Very strange: it occurs to admins, as Eben, with full access permissions.

I ususually later refine the security, and the error behaviour then dissapears, so I didn't troubleshoot this yet.

I don't change system fields. However, I have a boolean "IsDirty" attribute that is set true by a Microflow by On Enter or On Change events, and that is reset to false in a before commit event. Could that be causing it?

Working with version 3.2.1.


Ok i have solved the issue. Something i have overlooked.

One of my fields tried to change the ChangedBy attribute of Mendix which i presume and believe is fatal.

I have changed it so it points to my Agent_Lead Attribute Association and it works fine.

Thanks for your feedback.
