Login/logout irratic behaviour when showing home page(microflow), menu-bar and when switching between users.

Resolved: Our theme was copied from an old project. We used the default theme, re-added our CSS links and it is all working fine now. There must have stayed some javascript behind that we added manually to our old project. Reproducing the bug 1 (log-out not always working): When I log-in for the first time as any user (MxAdmin or other user roled users), all works well. When I press F5 and then click on log-out the user is not taken to the log-in screen, instead he can still access all the navigation objects with all of them loading forms with errors (I'm assuming there errors are due to the user being logged out). The fix I am currently using as posted by Herman Geldenhuys: https://community.mendix.com/questions/2027/Mendix-clientside-bug The fix does work somewhat: when I press F5 it takes the user to the log-in page (which should not happen, the page should just be refreshed, but it does prevent the user from pressing F5 and then logging out which causes the error to begin with). Reproducing the bug 2 (home page microflow not always firing): when I log on as any user for the first time, all works well. After logging out and logging back in again the landing page is not shown/the trigger is not fired. Reproducing the bug 3 (menu items not showing correctly): when logging in as a user for the second time and having the previously mentioned bug occur ("home page microflow not always firing") I log out and log in as another user (with another user role). Where the home page microflow is not firing and the navigation items is what is should be for the previous user and not the user I am currently trying to log in as. All of these bugs occur on/when: firefox and chrome with cache cleaned without navigating to any page after logging in this is a single microflow as homepage and NOT an alternative homepage with widgets.js deleted (I'm assuming this would remove the chance of any widget having an influence on the explained behavior) I've tried reproducing the bug on a separate project without success. The only changes to index.html is imported CSS files. Any diagnostic tricks, solutions or clues appreciated. Only fault I am seeing is a 401 error, which I am assuming should be there as it gets caught and redirects the user to login.
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