Similar Widget in Mendix 4.0.0

Hi You know in mendix 4.0.0 when you click on the deploy button it gives this pop up, with two things like button named [deploy to cloud] and [Run local]I want to know the name of those to buttons and if they can be found in the app store on some widget that are similar to those one
2 answers

I think you confuse the modeller with things you can put in the modeller.

Why not create a popup form with a table that has microflows as buttons in them? This way you can interact with the user and give him options the same way as the pop up you see in the modeller. And the buttons can be styled with css.


Don't forget the Confirmation Settings. In v4, double-click on the button and click on the Edit button near the bottom by 'On click microflow settings'. This opens the Microflow settings dialog - change to the Confirmation tab.

Here you can ask a confirmation question and define the Yes/No button captions
