Forum login frustrations...

I am getting really frustrated with the number of times I now have to log in to the mendix site in order to use the Forum. I have a bookmark to in my browser. In the past it would remember my credentials and I would be logged in automatically, and could switch to support, or the app store and I would remain logged in. Now the situation is different. If I go to that url I am no longer logged in automatically - I have to click on the Log In link at the top of the page... that takes me to where I enter my email address and password. I am then redirected to the Sprintr Home page at Not where I wanted to be, but at least I'm logged in ??? So I try to navigate to the Forum. I click on Community link and it opens a new tab and shows me as logged in. I click on the Forum link and suddenly I'm not logged in any more and I am again asked to enter my email address and password at Finally after entering my credentials again, I get to the Forum page and am logged in. Until I close the browser and then try to get to the Forum again, when I have to go through the whole cycle again. Can anything be done to improve this? Can it remember my credentials like it used to please?
4 answers

We are currently investigating the problem, seems to be an issue concerning cookies which are not properly shared.


Hi David,

I share your frustration. A ticket has been raised (12832) in the support portal for this issue. If is the central point of departure (like explained at the introduction of the spring release) then single sing-on should work for all areas (sprintr, appstore, cloudportal, community\forum and supportportal).


I just tried in Chrome and IE8 and IE9. Same problem on all. WhenI try to log in on "a" Mendix page I end up on the Sprintr page and I have to open an additional tab to go to community and then to forum. On the forum page it "tells" me who I am, but it also shows "sign in" on top, instead of showing me signed in .

When I go to partners it DOES show me signed in again. So my guess it is something on the forumpages specificly ?


Strange, I do not have the problem when I go to the forum. I am logged in automaticly. But clicking on my name in the top right corner to edit my MxID profile will ask me for credentials. But once supplied I moving from there to the forum I stay logged in. Could it be browser related? I am using firefox 12 at the moment.
