SMTP server

Once a mail has been sent, and a reply action is performed, what would handle the POP3 request back into Mendix? This is now based not on localhost, but ex: Setting up the DNS to forward to..... what exactly? Since the SMTP server isn't a) connected to port 110 on the SMTP and b) not in a public domain. Think I may have gap in putting this together in my mind, any help would be much appreciated.
1 answers

You need to setup Mx-records for your domain and/or a mail relay (smtp server) that forwards incoming emails on the domain to your application host and port. Your sysadmin should know how to do this.

(Btw, it is not a Pop3 request, but an smtp request. SMTP is the 'send and deliver protocol', pop3 and imap are just protocols to read the messages of a mailbox from a mail server. That knowledge might improve google results ;-) ).
