Document templates broken in version 4 ?

Is anyone experiencing issues with document templates (PDF, Word etc.) in version 4.0.1? I have templates that worked correctly in version 2.5 and version 3, but seem to be broken in version 4. By broken, I mean that some attributes are not displayed, and linked images are not rendered. For example, I have an association from my primary entity to an address entity - I try to display several attributes from the address, and some are displayed, while others are not. It seems to make no sense which are displayed and which are not as they are using the same association. If someone has already experienced this and reported the issue, please let me know, otherwise I will file a bug report... but it is probably a couple of days work to put together a small sample app to reproduce this which I'd like to avoid if possible.
2 answers

Yes it's a bug and you can't (easily) work around it, it's always the first time you use a specific object where it won't show up the data. We released a hotfix for this but there is no public version with the fix yet. If this is critical to you then please file a bug report (no test project needed, tell them I said so) and request a 4.0.2 release or access to that hotfix, otherwise you can wait and it will be released in 4.1 in I believe 3.5 weeks.


I'am having the same issue with the Dynamic images.

Is this the same problem (1-1 relation between entity and image)?
