XML response from web service not mapping to entity
I have called a web service within a Microflow. The web service returns the following XML: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <soap:Header> <flowId xmlns="http://www.talend.com/esb/sam/flowId/v1" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">urn:uuid:0de9250a-8955-4a3d-a4f4-93f59a37bb67</flowId> </soap:Header> <soap:Body> <tns:VerifyCustomerResponse xmlns:tns="http://www.example.com/"> <WebServiceResponse> <Decision>AAAA</Decision> <BlaaBlaa>AAAAAA</BlaaBlaa> <BingBing>111111</BingBing> <NoogeeNoggee>111111</NoogeeNoggee> <DeclineReasonCode /> <ResponseDescription /> </WebServiceResponse> </tns:VerifyCustomerResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope> The I have allowed the modeller to create the response entities from within the XML to domain mapping using the "Generate Entities" feature. I can see from my input xmlImporter that I receive the XML and that the modeller interprets the values. I set the output to be stored in a value. I have tested the web service via soap UI and can confirm that the above XML is returned. However, when I execute the service within Mendix the value returned from the webservice action is null. In other words I have no way to actually get hold of the data returned in the web service even though I can see from the XML importer that it's actually read and interpreted by the application. In addition to this I have placed an error handler on the web service activity which doesn't get fired which indicates that as far as the web service action is concerned it has computed accurately but I still can't actually get the data. How do I actually get that data returned from the web service? Could the <soap:header> tag be messing with the web service activity some how?
derek gardiner
1 answers
I do remember seeing something similar being bugreported on 4.0.1 but I haven't looked into the ticket yet, it might be the same issue you're having. We're currently working on the 4.1 release so I think it will become clear in the next few days.