Mendix transition to JDK 1.7 due End-of-life JDK 1.6?

Does anyone know what the roadmap for Mendix business modeler & Server is for JDK 1.7 support? I am asking this because of the nearing End-of-life of JDK 1.6 in a few months (December 2012) System requirements Mendix:
1 answers

We have (in 4.x) removed the constraint of not being able to use JDK 1.7 as it is stable enough now (as opposed to the early versions). Personally I already am running on JDK 1.7 and have found no problems in the latest versions.

Update: For the moment you still need to install JDK 1.6 but you can change the JDK version with which the application is run and built in the preferences. We do support JDK 1.7 but note that the Mendix cloud still runs on JDK 1.6 so if you upload packages that were built with JDK 1.7 they will not run there. We are moving towards JDK 1.7 but I don't have a time schedule right now.
