Bulk Data Transfer

Hi There, I am in the process of building a "Data Transfer Module", to be able to transfer data from our Mendix system to our company's data warehouse. Our database has almost a million High level records in and over a hundred million sub records. What would be the most efficient way in doing something like this with Mendix 4.0? There are a thousand ways of doing this, and as always, there will be a couple of solutions. With Mendix, we've got all these tools available (Microflows, Datasets, xpath, T-SQL, Persistant & Non-Persistant objects etc. etc. etc.), and I am hoping that there might be a suggested or preferred way of doing this. Has anyone done anything like this? Kind Regards & thank you Frikkie Chalmers
1 answers

You could have a look at the database replicator app in the app store. This transfers data from an external database to the mendix tables. Maybe you can change it and use it the other way round. If you get this working then publish it in the app store ;-)

Other option could be using an ETL tool to extract and possibly transform the data. I think postgres has got an open source ETL tool (not completely sure on this however).
