Hi, I have an attribute that contains a concatenated list of notes. I want to separate each note with an empty line. Below is the microflow expression that I use, and the result looks good in a form: $Project/AllNotes + 'On ' + formatDate($Iterator_Note/Timestamp) + ' by ' + $Account/FullName + ' ' + $Iterator_Note/Note + ' ' However, when I use this attribute with the list of notes in a report (via dataset), all newlines are gone. And its export to Excel does not show the newlines in the cell, but they are shown in the formula editor. What is the right piece of magic to make this all work right with newlines? Regards, Paul
Paul Poetsma
2 answers
Hi Paul,
I've been struggling with the newlines a bit myself. I do not have all the answers, but I do have a little piece of information: check out the csv export. I bet you will find the newlines there, maybe that helps.
I don't think I worked with datasets, can't help you there ...
Toon Verschoor
In my application the report is just an intermediate step. I export the report and when I give the column in Excel the wraptext formatting property, it shows correctly.